Rendre compte des changements sociétaux, les interpréter, pour mieux appréhender les évolutions futures
The iPOPs projet -Individuals, Populations,
Societies - is one of the hundred "Laboratories of
Excellence" selected in 2010 by the French Ministry of
Higher Education and Research under its programme of investment in
the future financed by the national loan scheme (known as "le Grand
Hosted by INED in partnership with four universities and the Campus
Condorcet, iPOPs aims to occupy a central position in research and
training in the population sciences, and to place its research at
the disposal of the economic, social and political
In Partnership with
En partenariat avec

Labex iPOPs
Institut national d'études démographiques
Direction des relations internationales et des partenariats
9, cours des Humanités – CS 50004
93322 Aubervilliers Cedex